If you noticed, the post numbers changed slightly and it may have seemed like I went down in my count. Well, I did not skip a day of posting, but I miscounted on my blog here about two weeks ago, so I was up by one. I noticed it tonight on Facebook when my album count was off with my day count. Thank goodness Cogan helped me figure it out!
Anyway. I know I don't update on journals often. I feel like I never have time or nothing new to say (I'm sure I've said this before). To be honest, I still feel like I'm just starting the project. It doesn't feel like I've grown, although I know I have. It's the weirdest feeling.
Also, I can't believe that in about two or three weeks I'm going to be having my countdown. You're probably like, "Countdown? Huh?" Well, for some reason, I keep counting upwards to 365 instead of saying so-and-so more days to go. But I feel like day 265 is going to be the turnaround - I'm going to start counting down (mentally). This is just crazy.
If anyone actually sticks with my blog, thank you so much.
Until next time.