“I’m just a painting that’s still wet. If you touch me, I’ll be smeared. You’ll be stained for the rest of your life.”
Well, here we are again. Over a year has passed since I finished my first Project 365 and a lot has changed. Once again, I am nowhere close to being the same person I was a year ago, yet it amazes me how much I don't remember of this change.
The first time around, I did this project to feel more comfortable with myself in front of the camera. I wanted people to feel and see the same beauty I saw in them, but how could I do that if I couldn't feel that way about myself? It was hypocritical of me, so I decided to let all of my walls down and step in front of the shutter for once. I learned so much about myself from that year-long experience and I wouldn't change it for a single thing.
Here's the thing - I don't mind putting myself in front of the camera anymore, but I still enjoy learning about myself through my own photographs. So this time around, while I'm still going to be using myself as a model, don't be weirded out if you see a photograph with no one in it. This project is going to be about expanding my skills, not just myself. So if I'm struck with a flash of creativity that needs someone else as the model, well, I'm going to do it.
What I'm trying to say is, is that this 365 is going to be much more laid back than the last one. I may not get each photo up by midnight every day, but I will definitely try. I want quality with this project, and not so much worry about how fast I can upload the photo. With that said though, do not let me slack! Seriously. Also, fun fact, I may end up ranting a lot more in the blog this time around (it may not be weekly), so stay tuned for some insight into my crazy, ridiculously intellectual (and good-looking) brain.