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Thursday, September 10, 2009

| day 39 |

“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.”
Which is artificial, and which is real?


  1. Hey look Erin, I'm ok being artificial! But is that a tripod I see? Yeah that's totally real... Ha in all seriousness I really like this one. When I first saw it I thought the pictures were actually glued to the mirror. I really like the contrast between the black and white and color. Really cool :) By the way, I really like your lips in this shot; pure delicacy.


  2. I really love this, it's definitely something to be proud of. [and i love the use of the mirror, its like a hidden meaning]

  3. This is fantastic. Some of your best work in a great shot! I love the use of black and white contrasting the color. Very artistic! I'm so proud of you for keeping going!
